Neuromodulation for Migraine

Neuromodulation—specifically with non-invasive ENS (electrical nerve stimulation)—is a proven and rapidly evolving approach to treating migraine. Neuromodulation devices act directly on nerve pathways to interrupt the transmission of pain signals and also decrease the frequency of attacks.

When a patient is first diagnosed with migraine, the first and most commonly prescribed treatment approach is medication. Migraine medication includes over-the-counter pain relievers; acute or abortive medications that relieve migraine pain during an attack; and preventive medications to decrease the frequency of migraine attacks.

The drawback: many migraine medications have serious adverse effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness or nausea. Some pain relievers can cause medication overuse headache (MOH). That’s why many people seek out drug-free migraine treatment options. Neuromodulation for migraine is one such treatment that has been clinically proven to be safe and effective.


What is migraine?

Here’s a brief overview of what we know about migraine causes and treatment.


Basics of neuromodulation therapy

Neuromodulation — specifically external trigeminal nerve stimulation — provides clinically proven pain relief and migraine prevention. But how does it work?

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